Mechanical engineers are often referred to as the general practitioners of the engineering profession. They work in nearly every area of technology, from aerospace and automotive to computers and ...
What Drives Us in Mechanical Engineering? Mechanical engineers use the principles of energy, materials, and mechanics to design and manufacture machines and devices of all types. At Drexel, our ...
Mechanical engineering is the broadest of all engineering disciplines, dealing with solid mechanics, fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, heat transfer, energy conversion, vibration, design, manufacturing, ...
Mechanical engineers are creative and practical. They are highly skilled innovators who solve complex problems for society. When you study mechanical engineering at Western, you will be challenged to ...
Mechanical engineering is concerned with quantitative analysis and application of engineering science to solve engineering problems. The Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering prepares students ...
A degree in mechanical engineering is one of the most versatile of engineering degrees. Those with either a bachelor's or a graduate degree in mechanical engineering have been prepared for a wide ...