The process of DNA replication is highly conserved throughout evolution. Investigating the replication machinery in simple organisms has helped tremendously to understand how the process works in ...
Copy number variants (CNVs) arise by homologous recombination (HR) between repeated sequences (recurrent CNVs) or by non-homologous recombination mechanisms that occur throughout the genome (non ...
2019), suggesting the replication and reassembly of nucleosomes at telomeres occurs through a distinct mechanism. The successful candidate will examine this mechanism using a combination of ...
We are interested in the mechanism of chromosome replication, a process that is highly conserved across eukaryotes and that involves the duplication of both the chromosomal DNA and its associated ...
How cells respond to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) damage is not fully understood. This study uncovers a mechanism of mtDNA ...
Replication of DNA DNA replication is the process by which a cell makes an identical copy of its DNA. Gene expression Only a fraction of the genes possessed by any particular cell will be expressed.
We also discovered that this breakage mechanism only occurs at the beginning of the cell cycle phase, when DNA replication ...
DNA replication is happening continuously throughout the body, as many as trillions of times per day. Whenever a cell ...
A team has unearthed new findings about what happens during the minutes and hours after a cell divides, expanding our understanding of human biology -- and potentially leading to better medicines.
In a groundbreaking shift in our understanding of mutations, researchers have discovered types of DNA damage in healthy cells that can remain unrepaired for years. While most types of DNA damage are ...
For example, the act of copying and reading DNA overwinds it ahead of the enzymes that read and copy the genetic code, ...