快科技3月11日消息,微软今天宣布, 将在2025年5月27日关闭并从Microsoft Store中移除Windows远程桌面应用程序,依赖该应用的用户需要尽快转向新的解决方案,以继续使用相关服务。 微软建议用户将远程桌面应用迁移到Windows ...
Google's official monopoly on search, browser, and advertising is probably going to end. That's a good thing, not just for ...
Google has officially implemented a new platform for Chrome extensions, and it brings both good and bad news. On the positive ...
Microsoft has been testing a new, refined, and more compact settings page in the Edge Canary version on Windows 11.
Some companies - SpaceX, Starlink, Meta - are doing well under the current administration. Google, not so much.
When Microsoft recreated its Edge browser back in 2020, the tech giant moved Edge to Chromium. Somewhat ironically, moving ...
In a recent court filing, the DOJ reiterated its stance that Google must divest Chrome to restore fair competition in the online search and advertising industries. The department argues that Google’s ...
As part of the antitrust case filed more than four years ago, the Justice Department wants Google to divest its Chrome browser.
当 Microsoft 两年前首次推出 Copilot 时,它仅在 Edge、Chrome、Firefox 和 Safari 等网页浏览器上可用。直到 2024 年初才在 Android、iOS 和 iPadOS 设备上推出。这款 AI ...
IT之家 3 月 4 日消息,科技媒体 Windows Latest 昨日(3 月 3 日)发布博文,报道称微软正邀请 Canary 频道用户,在 Microsoft Edge 浏览器中,测试 AI 历史搜索功能。消息源表示,Edge 浏览器的 AI ...
微软 Edge 浏览器正在获得更多与 AI 相关的功能。此外,Edge 似乎正在试验 Web Push API,这可以改善通过浏览器处理 Windows 11 通知的方式。另一个值得注意的变化是与下载和剪贴板相关的安全性得到改善。研究员 Leo ...