Old graveyards are a forgotten land asset that ... of accommodating new burials while also being public parks. Assistens Cemetery in the Danish capital Copenhagen was founded in the 1750s.
A remote West Australian town is reckoning with the future of its 140-year-old cemetery after officials admitted an access ...
History Knox Mark Sebastian Jordan authors this column each Saturday which reflects on the history of Knox County MOUNT VERNON — In my rambles throughout history, I find the majority of my insights in ...
Graveyards are quiet, peaceful places. Left alone over time, many have become secluded sanctuaries where plant and animal life can thrive. Explore your local cemetery and see what you can find living ...
Ever since I was little I’ve been obsessed with graveyards. Let me clarify ... But there’s something about stepping into a cemetery that slows my breathing and soothes my thoughts, making ...
A Rancho Cucamonga man carried out a string of car break-ins at L.A. County cemeteries as people attended funerals, visited loved ones and friends, the D.A. says.
German photographer Dieter Klein travelled the world to find vintage cars left to crumble in leafy forests and fields Came across range of graveyards ... remnants of these old bangers have been ...
shows the name of the person buried in the grave and its location in the cemetery — but nothing else. "We haven't found any pattern behind this yet. The stickers were put both on decades-old ...
Unnamed crosses stand on the edge of plots at an old cemetery in a small, gold-rush town in central Queensland. For decades it was a mystery who these graves belonged to in the small town of ...
The Odd Fellow Cemetery is located at 219 Old Siam Road in the East Side Community ... Odd Fellow was one of the two official graveyards in Elizabethton for Black people before closing to burials ...