Tracing the origins of Egypt's unique ... this civilisation's art reflected its religion, he looks anew at the Great Pyramid, and the statuary and painting of the Old Kingdom.
Adorned with tall, slender pyramids, the wealthy Nile city of Meroë was the seat of power of Kush, an ancient kingdom ... art adorning this fourth-century B.C. tomb is related to the style of ...
known for housing the tombs of high officials from the Egyptian Old Kingdom, a joint Franco-Swiss archaeological team has made an exceptional discovery. The mission has unearthed a mastaba constructed ...
“This new evidence suggests that Saqqara was not only a major burial site during the Old Kingdom but also became significant during the New Kingdom when Memphis was reinstated as Egypt’s ...
The discovery was made by a French-Swiss archaeological team and was announced by the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, which revealed that the tomb dates to the Old Kingdom of ...