The numbers speak for themselves. 242 people, including 7 children, have already died from the flu in Massachusetts this season in what public health officials say is one of the worst Influenza ...
Gustavo Alfonso Garcia Olivares died at 24, drowning in the Rio Grande not far from where he was buried Thursday at the ...
Tears freely flowed down the cheeks of mourners who attended the burial of three children who sadly met their fate following ...
Dear Abby advises a family who lost their daughter two years ago that wants to know what the rules of etiquette are when it comes to visiting her grave site.
Ida was transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit at the Royal Preston Hospital. Her parents were informed that she had suffered a severe brain injury, due to a lack of oxygen, and she sadly ...
The 53-year-old pediatrician in the city of Lubbock is working overtime to contact vaccine-hesitant parents, explaining the ...
A Florida mom has a message for teens and the parents of teens who vape: do not start. Candance McKnight's son, Walker, died at 25 years old, following six years of him being sick and two organ ...