This is rapidly changing, becoming an equal three-way partnership between theory, simulation and experiment ... interest in domain decomposition and other algorithms for particle-in-cell simulation.
A new study published in Scientific Reports simulates particle creation in an expanding universe using IBM quantum computers, demonstrating the digital quantum simulation of quantum field theory ...
To conduct this simulation, researchers used a theory called quantum field theory in curved spacetime ... such as Hawking radiation (radiation emitted by black holes) or particle creation in an ...
The audience will be composed of advanced theoretical graduate students. Applicants should have some research experience in particle theory. Preference will be given to applicants who will not have ...
Scientists at Google have revealed a new method of "quantum simulation" that uses computing ... computers because you have to model every particle's interaction with every other particle.
The delayed-choice quantum eraser experiment further explores the wave-like and particle-like behavior ... the link between ...
This ghostly particle had an energy of around 100 PeV — over 25 times more energetic than the particles accelerated in the Large Hadron Collider, the world's most powerful atom smasher.
In their latest research, Dániel Kincses, Márton Nagy and Máté Csanád, researchers from the Department of Atomic Physics and the Astro- and Particle ... "Our simulation-based studies have ...
What do rope winding and giant pasta shapes have to do with particle physics ... the tests will compare the magnet against simulation results and determine the next steps in the development ...