The tiny bits of plastic pollution that make their way from the environment into our bodies accumulate at much higher ...
A recent study published in One Earth presents strong evidence indicating that the climate impact of newly formed particles ...
A graduate research assistant at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of The University of Alabama system, ...
In a first, US researchers have observed fractional excitons, a new class of quantum particles, that were only theoretically ...
Urban particles shape climate by influencing clouds and radiation. Vertical monitoring reveals overlooked impacts.
"We are the first mission to be able to track space weather events in three dimensions routinely across the solar system." ...
A recent study has uncovered compelling evidence suggesting that the climate effects of new particles in urban areas have been significantly underestimated.
本研究为瑞士国家级超细颗粒(UFP)暴露评估开发了一个机器学习框架,揭示了20%的人口面临高暴露水平,这对未来的UFP标准具有重要意义 机器学习助力超细颗粒物高分辨率暴露评估研究解读 来自清华大学安全科学学院等单位的研究人员在Nature Communications期刊上发表了题为 “Machine learning-enhanced high-resolution exposure asses ...
Scientists have made a surprising discovery: they have managed to manipulate light particles in such a way that they can ...
The small plastic particles are "ubiquitous" in Great Lakes water, sediment, plants, fish and beaches, an international panel ...