From the discovery of gravity to the first mission to defend Earth from an asteroid, here are the most important physics ...
One of the world’s leading scientific journals recognizes physicist Igor Pikovski’s work on a method to detect gravitational ...
Scientists propose a relatively simple yet still complicated tabletop experiment to test the quantumness of gravity, aiming to reconcile general relativity and quantum mechanics.
Researchers have experimentally recreated another fundamental theoretical model from quantum physics, which goes back to the Nobel Prize laureate Werner Heisenberg. The basis for the successful ...
We are first taken back to the dawn of the 20th century and shown how the evolution of architectural acoustics as a ...
Physics is the search for and application of rules that can help us understand and predict the world around us. Central to physics are ideas such as energy, mass, particles and waves. Physics ...
This experiment looks for axions, a particle which was proposed to solve a major problem in particle physics: why neutrons, although composed of smaller charged particles called quarks ...
Most students who earn a PhD in physics build careers outside of research. Meet four physicists who went from particle ...
Scientists experimentally confirm electron vortices in momentum space, a quantum phenomenon that could enable efficient, ...
An international collaboration headed by researchers in the Department of Physics has shown that additive manufacturing ...