As we creep toward spring, many gardeners begin to get the urge to get out in the garden. Seed starting and garden planning activities are well under way. One gardening technique that many gardeners ...
I know it might sound like a lot of work, but planting cover crops can be incredibly rewarding. Trust me, your garden will thank you with lush growth and vibrant blooms come spring! Choosing the ...
Farmers should be prepared answer the following questions before planting cover crops to ensure that cover crop benefits are maximized: What is the available cover crop planting window? Which ...
For farmers trying to Flip their Soil and improve soil health one simple thing they can do this fall is plant cereal rye as a cover crop and plant soybeans into that stand. Soil health experts say ...
The second chart shows what Farm Journal Field Agronomist Ken Ferrie calls the opportunity cost — the difference in net profit over the two years that resulted from planting the cover crops and ...
The Trump administration’s federal funding freeze is having a chilling effect on Hoosiers in ways large and small. Take the Farmers for Soil Health initiative. The program is supposed to reimburse ...
Liz Stahl, extension educator of crops from University of Minnesota Extension in Worthington explains things producers need to remember when adding cover crops and herbicides together on an operation.
The grant reimburses farmers up to $1500 dollars. The application process is open until April 25 and covers a range of ...
Yet, farmers often fail to implement new practices that mitigate climate change like cover crops due to scarce resources. Farmers who begin planting cover crops take a financial risk, Blesh said.
Seed starting and garden planning activities are well underway. One gardening technique that many gardeners incorporate into their gardens is companion planting.
Traditional companion planting, which involves planting different types of plants together or in close ... primarily because certain plants attract and support beneficial insects that either help ...
As the first week of March unfolds, farmers in Clinton County and the surrounding areas are diligently preparing for the upcoming planting season.