we’ll break down the ways for you to get started playing ultimate frisbee. No experience is required to start playing recreationally, but you should get familiar with the sport’s guiding ...
By playing disc golf regularly, you can enhance your peripheral vision awareness, enabling you to more easily notice and ...
While many dogs enjoy a life of leisure, snuggling up in their favorite blanket and watching TV, others thrive on an active lifestyle filled with dog sports such as agility runs, playing fetch ...
the founders of Ultimate Frisbee as we know it. Joe Barbanel, 70, and his good friend Ed Summers, 71, both grandfathers, have been playing the sport in this parking lot for more than half a century.
Before he discovered Frisbee, Dasoki "really hated" playing soccer, he says. "There was always a bit of pushing, a bit of lying—you need to be a bit tricky. Negative competition, let's say." ...
A year ago, right before Loyola's first preseason game, he broke his wrist in the most improbable way — playing Ultimate Frisbee. "There was a pass to the end zone, I went up to catch it and got ...