With agriculture being a primary economic activity in Africa, innovative practices are crucial for sustainable land use.
Polge, C., Smith, A. U., and Parkes, A. S., Nature, 164, 666 (1949).
Jam Making, Canning and Drying. By T. N. Morris. (Monographs on Applied Chemistry, Vol. 6.) Third edition, revised. Pp. xiii + 206. (London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd ...
The material nature, identification, stability and long-term care of photographic prints has always been an area of expertise at IPI. Process identification is the first step in understanding and ...
Feb. 17—Nature Nurture Farmacy in Chehalis will host a "Yes We CAN! Preservation Dinner" potluck celebrating food that is grown and preserved locally. This community event will take place from 6 ...
As we work together to mitigate and adapt to climate change, glacier preservation is a top priority. We must reduce greenhouse gas emissions to slow down glacial retreat. And, we must manage ...
A local nature preservation organization is concerned about the ecosystem surrounding Huntsville's newly annexed land.
The Open Land Preservation Partnership Program saved ... To date, Chester County has preserved over 65,000 acres of open space, nature preserves, farmland, and parks through collaborative efforts ...
When Dave Herrero came to Southern Utah to see tamarisk-removal efforts by the Desert Preservation Initiative, an Ivins-based ...