Magnetism is due to the magnetic fields around magnets. The fields can be investigated by looking at the effects of the forces they exert on other magnets and magnetic materials. Electromagnets ...
Contact: Steven Pollock at if you would like to be notified when our materials are updated. Instructors and education researchers are free to use and adapt these materials ...
They created a synthetic magnetic vector potential using continuous modulation tones on qubits, demonstrating that it met electromagnetism's principles. The simulator produced an artificial ...
Through symmetry analysis, first-principles calculations, and comparison with previous studies, the researchers concluded that the disappearance of the nonreciprocal SHG signal was due to the ...
The measurement methods used in radio astronomy enable many issues of fundamental physics to be studied, ranging from the equation-of-state of super-dense matter (in neutron stars, for example) to the ...
Download a zipped file containing all course materials except assessments and solutions. (see below) [65 MB] Don't know where to begin? We'd suggest starting off with the clicker questions... Download ...