Apart from wild turkey, bobwhite quail were Charlie Elliott's other true love. Here's his take on the little game bird.
Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever were joined by national sponsor onX Hunt to announce the expansion of its Public Access ...
South Carolina bobwhite quail population fell to its lowest point in 2015. An initiative is helping them recover, which means hunting traditions can continue.
A man was quail hunting in Arizona when he heard gunshots and found his son-in-law wounded, deputies said. The incident happened before 9 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 25, in Yucca, the Mohave County ...
Illegal quail hunts are not confined to Bosnia. Each year, at least 160,000 quails are killed illegally in Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia and Albania as well as Bosnia. This figure accounts for ...
Many come from Italy to shoot quail. But some hunters use illegal electronic ... A growing number of agencies in the country organize hunting trips for Italian citizens. This increase poses ...
They also helped open nearly 300,000 acres of private lands to public hunting. The nation’s nearly three million pheasant and quail hunters, according to one study, delivered nearly $10 billion ...
Conservationists and hunters converged in Kansas City over the weekend as thousands attended the third National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic held in the Show-Me State.
Shooters are banned from killing the blue-winged shoveler and the use of lead shot for quail hunting is also banned. The season length and bag limits are within the legislated limits.