现在机器人手抓东西可厉害了, 头一回见的物件也能拿得稳稳当当 :从乐高积木到橡皮鸭,从骰子到罐头,都能在指尖自如翻转。精度?最高可达2.3毫米!
Scientists with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology say a new breed of tiny flying robots that weigh less than a gram ...
Discover how scientists have taken inspiration from praying mantises to create artificial compound eyes that revolutionize 3D ...
Large language models like ChatGPT display conversational skills, but the problem is they don’t really understand the words ...
From Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics to bipedal machines you can buy today, here are 12 important milestones in the development of robots.
"A future where you’re just surrounded by robots is for certain," Huang says. Is this something to look forward to, or ...
Korean researchers develop soft robot technology using torque reversal mechanism Innovative studies unlock potential of soft ...
Grade 12 students from the Manila Science High School developed a robot that can save lives by helping emergency responders ...