Disaster could follow. Africa's vultures are disappearing. Disaster could follow. Wolves hunt sea otters and seals, a startling find Wolves hunt sea otters and seals, a startling find Sea otters ...
Penguins are small marine animals but have an extremely smart functioning brain which helps them in their survival. Sea Lions ...
Only Alaska Natives can buy and trade raw pelts or other sea otter parts between each other, and make and sell traditional handicrafts out of sea otter fur and other parts for sale to non-Natives. The ...
Changes in sea otter populations are affecting how bald eagles hunt along the coasts. Find out how these two incredible species are shaping each other’s future! #seaotters #baldeagles # ...
An orca named Keto has died ... Keto should have known the open sea, his family's love, & freedom. We can honor his memory by standing against animals used in entertainment & never visiting ...