The U.S. Coast Guard found a Chinese migrant floating on a paddleboard off the Bahamas, officials said. The man was spotted ...
British marine biologist and photographer Richard Smith focuses his work on the ocean’s tiniest and weirdest creatures.
体外安全性筛选是药物发现的关键组成部分,有助于开发安全的候选药物。使用基于敏感细胞的安捷伦Seahorse XF技术,XF Mito Tox 线粒体毒性试剂盒,和分析仪内置的分析软件,可以简化、可靠地识别线粒体毒物。 George Rogers博士将介绍安捷伦Seahorse 实时活细胞代谢 ...
Dwindling natural habitats are causing a significant decline in certain seahorse species. To bolster populations, researchers ...
在本次网络研讨会中,我们将介绍数据归一化的基本原则及对Seahorse XF数据的影响。此外,您将了解到由安捷伦和BioTek合作提供的新工具,可以在XF实验完成后简便、自动地进行细胞计数。最后,我们将讨论一些归一化处理显著影响数据分析的例子,并演示对XF ...
"ZooEarthTV brings you incredible animal interactions, amazing wildlife moments, and stunning travel destinations from around the world. Discover the beauty of nature and explore world wonders with on ...
With adults only about an inch tall, the dwarf seahorse is the smallest of the four seahorse species found in U.S. waters. This dainty, curly-tailed fish occurs only in shallow seagrass areas in the ...
Artificial habitat, called seahorse hotels, is being created for the endangered White's Seahorse in areas disturbed by ...
There are at least 40 species of seahorses known to science, living in both temperate and tropical waters around the world. Seahorse species belong to the genus called Hippocampus, also the name of a ...
But first, you have to give birth to 2,000 babies. Sounds painful, right? Well, if you're a male seahorse, that's part of the job. Turns out, there are lots of animal dads out there who do all the ...