If you want to find out about adverbs, there is no better place ... He quickly ate his breakfast. In the sentence above, the adverb 'quickly' appears before the verb 'ate'. However, this sentence ...
Using these can make your writing flow. A sentence is built up from words. Sometimes words are grouped together in phrases. A phrase acts as a single unit of meaning – for example ‘their pet ...
Think of non‐ essential relative clauses as adjectives describing the noun; you can remove adjectives without changing the meaning of the sentence. A relative clause can be introduced by either a ...
A subordinate clause is an incomplete sentence and cannot be used on it's own. Some examples of subordinate clauses: In academic writing, it is common for writers to use adverbs to connect ideas.
In each item below, the sentence contains a highlighted conjunction expressing a time relationship, followed by a conjunctive adverb in parentheses. In the blank box under each item, rewrite the ...