Luckily, one of the most terrifying and disturbing movies ever made is streaming free, and there’s a chance it’s one you’ve missed. Can you spy him deep within? Matthew Holness’ Possum is ...
The sex is often more titillating than realistic; the movies have also almost always ... let’s celebrate some of the best—or at least the most interesting—examples of a type of movie that ...
It may be the most vile and contemptible motion picture ever released by one of the major Hollywood studios. Written and directed by Darren Aronofsky, Mother (or, as the publicity materials ...
It relies on the audience’s imagination to fill in the blanks, making it one of the most psychologically disturbing movies ...
After 10 plus years of covering the most disturbing movies ever made YouTuber HorribleReviews created the ultimate beginners guide to disturbing movies 200 or so movie titles and 21 special guests ...
That inclination to see what the message boards can’t stop hailing as the nastiest, most disturbing movies ever made was strong, and it’s why I eventually had the urge to rent the ...