The research bridged acoustic, speech, and word-level linguistic structures, offering unprecedented insights into how the ...
The senator’s attack on the National Science Foundation included seven grants intended to boost US-Israeli research partnerships. A grant to study linguistic differences between Hebrew and ...
A new study led by Prof. Yoram Burak of the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences and the Racah Institute of Physics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem unveils a unifying mathematical ...
Joy does not come from lavish excess or social posturing; it comes from the connections we create.The post How to give and how to receive: The complexity of ‘mishloach manot’ ...
She cited Yehuda Romano, a 14th-century Hebrew scholar from Italy, who translated Maimonides’ use of the word “hararah” (a type of flatbread) in the Mishneh Torah with four simple Hebrew ...