Maps are representations of the world created by experts called cartographers to help other people navigate different places. Maps contain information tailored to a specific purpose.
OS maps show physical and human features as symbols. This makes the maps easier to read. Each OS map has a key to show what the symbols mean. Large-scale maps - 1:1,250, 1:2,500 and 1:10,000.
Choosing the right optional subject for the UPSC exam is crucial, as it contributes 500 marks to the total 1750 in the Mains.
Social Science mind maps are visual representations of the concepts, ideas, and relationships from the chapters of History, Geography, Political Science and Economics organised in a flowchart-like ...
Every year, approximately 3-4 questions are asked in Geography based on maps which carry 6-10 marks. One can easily score these questions with clarity of concepts and knowledge of important topics ...