While these headphones are usually priced at $60, right now you can get a pair for over a third off in this limited time deal ...
While the Sony WH-C520 headphones are usually priced at $60, they can now be had for far less as they drop to a record-low of ...
在快节奏的现代生活中,音乐成为了我们不可或缺的精神伴侣。而一款优质的耳机,则是我们享受音乐、放松心情的得力助手。今天,要为大家介绍的便是索尼(SONY)WH-CH520 ...
Why pay more for the best wireless headphones than you need to? One of the top performing options for the price is the Sony ...
索尼SONY WH - CH520耳罩式头戴式动圈蓝牙耳机正在天猫超市进行优惠活动。其原价为499元,使用国家补贴8.5折起(可减49.73元),再参与满1件打9.5折以及立减150元的优惠活动后,88VIP用户下单1件,实付低至281.82元。
IT之家 2 月 19 日消息,科技媒体 The Walkman Blog 昨日(2 月 18 日)发布博文,报道称索尼将为旗下两款耳机 WH-CH520 和 WH-CH720N 推出全新配色,其中 WH ...
Whether you're listening to music or joining a video call, having a good pair of wireless headphones can really upgrade your experience. That doesn't have to cost a lot of money either, with some ...
Sony makes one of the best headphones that you can buy in 2025. But if you're not looking to spend hundreds on a pair of headphones, then we have a great alternative recommendatio ...
Sony headphones have revolutionized the way we listen to music, but it is easy to feel overwhelmed with the myriad of options ...