Holiday favourites like Barcelona and the Costa del Sol have no trouble luring in the tourists – Elizabeth Bennett shares ...
In the late 19th Century, hundreds of thousands of Spaniards left Spain for America. A few made an exceptional fortune and returned home; they are known as 'indianos'. Their new fortune helped to ...
The findings on one of history’s most famous explorers were detailed in the documentary Columbus DNA ... of Jewish silk ...
Six Spanish ministers attended on Monday the presentation of the documentary series "La conquista de la Democracia" in Madrid. The Second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, and ...
He also offers undergraduate seminars on such subjects as the arts of medieval Spain and the history of Cairo. His research has explored the history and ... with whom he also served as principal ...
The Tampa Bay History Center explores the often-overlooked history of Spanish emigration. Prudencio “Pete” García, shortly after arriving in St. Louis, Missouri, from Asturias, Spain, in 1907.