(A bad one, on the other hand, can embarrass it). We've put together this list of the best, most beautiful tech company and product logos, spanning from startups to more-established companies.
With that as inspiration, we decided to take a look at some of the worst/most controversial logos in tech. Notification app Yo doesn't even have a logo. Its icon is just a purple box. Apple ...
“Our new brand reflects our evolution, our growth ... Backed by Wellspring’s wealth of expertise in Tech Transfer and Innovation, Evolve is built on a modern technology stack that delivers ...
"Our new brand reflects our evolution, our growth, and our mission to empower organizations with best ... Backed by Wellspring's wealth of expertise in Tech Transfer and Innovation, Evolve is built on ...
Tech's going to take advantage of the loosened restrictions. "Field naming, putting corporate logos on the playing surface of the football field," Hocutt said, "is something that we've given the ...
Rob Janoff, the designer behind the Apple logo, has clarified that the iconic bite mark was added for practical reasons, not ...