Parents carried their own children on their shoulders to the church and threw them in the common pit. 'From these pits such an appalling stench was given off that scarcely anyone dared even walk ...
There's no shortage of urban decay in this former steel boomtown, and the most notable abandoned building around is the City Methodist Church, once the largest of its kind in the Midwest.
Fanny Barlow shared a video of the abandoned church and has gained more than 300,000 views since she first shared it. In the viral clip, she shows viewers the outside of the church before heading ...
It was reported on a number of occasions that as midnight approached, witnesses observed a pale blue light coming from the windows of the abandoned church. They reported hearing a sound as though ...
Religion was important in England from c.1000 to c.1500. The Church and religious beliefs played an important role in law and order. Clergy were often the most educated members of the community.