Above: Tundra swans are not rare but they are uncommon visitors to our region. Nine of those birds were captured in this ...
Tundra swans have returned to their usual migration stop by the Lambton Heritage Museum near Grand Bend. The first arrived March 5 to the Thedford Bog, en route from their Chesapeake Bay wintering ...
The Coeur d’Alene Basin Restoration Partnership is working with other agencies to develop tools to monitor the health of ...
Florida game wardens questioned the man, who had reportedly hidden the swan in a bag inside his kayak. The man told officials he thought it was a snow goose at first but then second-guessed himself.
A Tallahassee hunter who reportedly gunned down a federally-protected tundra swan agreed to six months on probation and permanently forfeiting his state hunting license to resolve a misdemeanor ...
Spread the loveImagine a group of birdwatchers gathered at Lake Jackson near Tallahassee, Florida when a hunter crouches ...
Birdwatchers watched in horror last January as the hunter shot and killed a Tundra Swan as it swam with its mate. Several bird watchers had gathered on the shore to see and photograph the swans ...