The Department of Computer Science offers degree programs in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Computer Science, Computer Security & Privacy, and Software ...
Computer science has a brilliant future! In the Master's Programme in Computer Science, you get the skills that can lead you to creating new network solutions, buildng the future digital society, ...
The Master of Science in Computer Science and a Master of Computer Science are both offered. The Master of Science in Computer Science is thesis driven, while the Master of Computer Science is ...
Students in Drexel’s Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science (BS/BACS) program learn about the theory and practice of effective computing. CS majors tend to be skilled at math and ...
Our online Bachelor of Science in Applied Computer Science Post-Baccalaureate degree is designed for working professionals with a prior bachelor’s degree who are looking to make a career pivot, move ...
Computer science plays a key role in nearly every aspect of modern life, and few fields of study offer more opportunities to learn and work at the cutting edge of technology. Computer scientists ...