These stories keep children entertained and play a vital role ... it is still desirable as there is no decrease in its value. Here are some important reasons you should read inspirational stories ...
Self-esteem in children is a fundamental pillar for their emotional and social development. Children's movies, with their ...
I Am Me is the children's book of empowerment for every little black girl who sees beauty in herself, her world, and her heart. A story about a boy named Matthew who who asks himself a very simple but ...
In Linda Joan Smith’s “The Peach Thief,” an orphaned girl posing as a boy raids an English Eden. By Jennifer Howard Leonard S. Marcus brings the wonder of a 1968 snapshot to a new ...
Most enterprises understand the value of effective corporate and product brochures and a compelling website, but many enterprises underestimate the value of success stories—also known as case studies.
A play whose main audience is children may convey only a limited meaning, but it can spark their curiosity and open a window ...