Virtue ethics is person rather than action based. It looks at the moral character of the person carrying out an action. A right act is the action a virtuous person would do in the same circumstances.
However, Ohlhorst suggests that designing competent AI inherently involves designing virtuous AI. If virtues are understood ...
Ethics is not only about the morality of particular courses of action, but it's also about the goodness of individuals and what it means to live a good life. Virtue Ethics is particularly ...
Ethical Decision Making resources provide an introduction to basic ideas in applied ethics, such as utilitarianism, rights, justice, virtue, and the common good. We also look at foundational questions ...
The field of virtue ethics provides a fresh perspective on decision-making in general and the trade war in particular, by drawing attention to character. The central tenet of virtue ethics is that ...
Automating a tedious task or revising your co-workers’ rude emails with artificial intelligence may appear desirable, but it may also eliminate an important opportunity to cultivate the virtues that ...
By Ibonio D’SouzaThe social, economic, political and religious ideals are centered in ethics. The blood of life is love, and morality is its backbone. Without v ...
Economists may prefer to be value neutral, but many critics find fault in the relationship between economics and virtue ECONOMISTS prefer to sidestep moral issues. They like to say they study ...