To this end we call on the powerful intercession of Mary, mother and model of all vocations. We beseech you to sustain our faith with the certainty that the Father will grant what you have ...
Father Gilbert Tario, pastor of four parishes in the Arkansas Delta, balances his demanding schedule with prayer, leisure, ...
Four vowed religious women are helping others to discern, offering opportunities for prayer and reflection through the House ...
The Jesuits are active around the world, and its 17,000 members (across six continents and 124 countries) makes it the largest religious order in the Catholic Church. Jesuits work in parish and ...
Bishop Dennis Sullivan celebrates Mass during the “Convocation of Catholic Leaders: The Joy of the Gospel in South Jersey” held ...
While vocations to the priesthood and religious ... As in previous years, the Catholic Church in Africa continues to grow. Africa had the highest increase in Catholics at 3%, while the Americas ...
Since Vatican II ended in 1965, the Catholic Church has seen a massive decline in the United States. Why are people leaving?
The Catholic Church in Reykjavik ... The Reykjavik bishop takes the same approach to the issue of priestly vocations in his diocese and elsewhere. For one, he is not afraid about there being ...