Mourning what has passed and finding worth in what has remained can be on ongoing endeavor and help us cope with the effects ...
Researchers analyzed medical data from nearly half a million participants in the UK Biobank to explore how 164 different lifestyle and environmental factors affect aging, age-related diseases ...
Aging is a normal part of the life course ... But in some cases, frailty can affect younger people too. For example, people with advanced chronic diseases, such as heart failure, can develop ...
New research from UNSW's Center for Healthy Brain Aging (CHeBA) has explored the views of older adults on what constitutes "super-aging." The study, published in the Activities, Adaptation & Aging ...
Looking ahead, population aging means that we will need to find new ways to support the elderly ... is that a new social contract is possible that can satisfy people’s need for security and ...
Free radicals are often associated with aging skin, cancer, dementia and other diseases. Antioxidants can readily donate an ...
ranging from the basic biology of aging to the impact of aging on society. The journal aims to foster interactions among different areas of this diverse field of research and to promote new and ...
The Red Hat Society is a social organization originally formed for women age 50 and older, but it is now open to younger people. Members are known for wearing brightly colored clothing and ...
Proteins that trigger cell senescence occupy much of the literature on aging, but a small RNA moves into the limelight ... suggesting that this small RNA may affect the synthesis of all cellular ...