Teenage Attitudes What are the beliefs, desires and problems of Americans of high-school age? The answer is sought through polls of 3,000 high-school students in all parts of the U. S.
“Lest we slip into critical attitudes toward science, we must remember that science began with a mandate God gave in creation. God commanded Adam and Eve to have dominion over the earth and to subdue ...
Presenting a sequel to an article of the same title that appeared in this magazine in 1956. The findings indicate a steady rise in support of integration among whites in both North and South ...
"Our analysis of a unique longitudinal dataset allowed us to explore the development of attitudes toward a scientific topic in unprecedented detail," Miller said. "And understanding the public's ...
A massive study of fraternal and identical twins has surprisingly concluded that much of our emotional response toward dogs is genetic.
found that heterosexual individuals interpret this scientific data through the lens of their own frame of reference. This can reinforce both negative and positive attitudes toward homosexuality.
Use of so-called alternative medicines (SCAM) is, as we have frequently discussed on this blog, associated with an anti-vax attitude or vaccine hesitancy. However, the nature of—and reasons for—this ...
Researchers who are accused of sexual misconduct start to receive fewer citations after the media covers the allegations. But the same cannot be said about scientists publicly accused of scientific ...