hadn't made the Superman or Batman films in the past and had major ... but if Marvel hasn't announced a move by mid-2015, I won't be surprised if WB makes a choice to move back to July and point ...
One of the most heated debates among DC fans is who’s the smarter genius: Batman or Superman’s Lex Luthor. Mr. Terrific has ...
Batman v Superman: Jared Leto's Joker, Riddler almost in Dawn of Justice says Zack Snyder Ben Affleck, Matt Damon debate over Jason Bourne vs. Batman Ben Affleck's daughter thinks Harry Potter is ...
Henry Cavill defends Superman against criticism from Batman fans, highlighting the character's choice to be good as what ...
Acclaimed filmmaker Mel Gibson once called out the budget of Batman v Superman and slammed the movie as a “piece of sh**.” ...
Sorry, Superman, but Wonder Woman has officially claimed your spot as Batman’s true World’s Finest partner. And Bruce is ...
Batman v Superman brought Doomsday to life on the big screen as an “Ancient Kryptonian Deformity” created by Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg). Using the genesis chamber of the Kryptonian scout ...