Wii MotionPlus unlocked the true potential of the Wii, enhancing gameplay interactivity. Few titles fully utilized the advanced technology, but those that did created special experiences.
Long pages are pages with a high amount of content. This listing is sorted by longest page. Some long pages may need to be broken into multiple smaller pages, though not all.
If you've been looking at your Nintendo Wii copy of Okami following its sequel announcement, you might want to put it down if you like Hideki Kamiya. To the surprise and delight of Okami fans ...
From 'Breath of the Wild' to 'Mario Kart,' these are the games that defined Nintendo's legacy in the modern era ...
It later came to Wii U and 3DS as Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate ... fully supporting online play with global servers, and releasing simultaneously across all regions. A massive expansion, Monster ...
However, dreams of universal access to PS4 content from anywhere via the Vita will have to wait, as even locally, Remote Play suffers from issues similar to those encountered by Wii U users.