At Oxfam, we know that climate change, poverty, and inequality are linked. The impact of shifting weather patterns, droughts, flooding, and storms hits marginalized communities with few resources ...
Do you know the difference between weather and climate? Well, the weather tells us what it’s like outside each day. Like, if it’s raining … or if the sun is shining. And if it’s hot or cold.
As you can see from the climate graph, plants and animals in the desert have to cope with very little water. The climate is very hot. Summer day time temperatures can exceed 40°C. However ...
At more than 20km long, Aletsch Glacier is the biggest in the European Alps. But its front has retreated by around 3.2km (2 miles) since 1900, including more than 1km since 2000. The world's ...
Tropical storms are bigger and stronger than ever. To structure this exploration of the world’s top climate scientists, data journalist Maurice Tamman has created a system of identifying and ...
As climate regime shift steams ahead, and even if the world gets CO 2 emissions under control, Japan may find its cherished four seasons irreversibly whittled down to two. The consequences of this ...
Human activities are causing world temperatures to rise, posing serious threats to people and nature. Things are likely to worsen in the coming decades, but scientists argue urgent action can ...
Prices of cocoa surged by 136% between July 2022 and February 2024, and climate extremes in West Africa’s cocoa belt, which produces 70% of the world ... 2015-2024 into two seasons corresponding ...
Climate change is accelerating the melting of the world's mountain glaciers, according to a massive new study that found them shrinking more than twice as fast as in the early 2000s. The world's ...