Brazil has become the global leader in the export of at least seven food commodities, following on a report distributed by BTG Pactual to its clients this week. According to the bank, Brazil has ...
The ex-vice-chancellor (VC) of the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, added: “Brazil is Yorubaland. 70 million Yorubas are in Brazil. In Salvador, Bahia, there are 3,000 shrines of ...
Rio de Janeiro is one of Brazil's largest settlements with a population of approximately 6.7 million people. The rapid growth of Rio de Janeiro's population has led to severe crowding and a ...
Criminals are targeting pharmacies and stealing weight-loss medication in a country with body image insecurities and where many cannot afford the drugs. A video monitoring system inside a pharmacy ...
Brazil likely to take more of China's import market from US Higher export demand to drive up domestic food prices Food inflation already risen for five months in a row Govt under severe pressure ...