当流行音乐的巨星们联手,总是能引发不小的讨论与期待,而LISA、Doja Cat和RAYE这三位当红音乐人的合作曲《BORN AGAIN》更是吸引了众多粉丝的目光。这首单曲将于2月7日早上8点上线,这个消息让无数乐迷激动不已,期待的情绪在网络上迅速发酵。
After her song 'Born Again (feat. Raye and Doja Cat)," Lisa Manobal collaborated once more with the two singers on the Oscars ...
红毯上,RAYE也同样“走入”了老电影中。她身穿一袭ViVienne Westwood的曳地长裙,高贵明艳而不失大气,造型灵感来自1962年电影《007之诺博士》中Eunice Gayson的红色裙装。
BLACKPINK’s LISA has teamed up with Doja Cat and Raye in the video for her new single, “Born Again,” taken off Lisa’s debut ...
LISA, Doja Cat and RAYE recently joined forces for a kinetic new pop single — but instead of performing “Born Again” at the ...
韩团BLACKPINK成员Lisa与Doja Cat及Raye日前宣布会在奥斯卡演出,但她们不是要献唱合作新歌《Born Again》,她们的演出为向占士邦片致敬,先有《完美物质》女星Margaret Qualley扮演「邦女郎」跳探戈舞开场,之后Lisa从天而降出场演唱占士邦电影歌曲《Live and Let Die》,并大跳劲舞,Doja Cat及Raye就唱出邦片另外2首主题曲《Diamon ...
First and foremost known as a rapper, Doja Cat — along with “Born Again” collaborators Lisa and Raye — took to the Oscars ...
"Born Again" adalah karya musik yang ikonik dan penuh makna. Kolaborasi antara Lisa BLACKPINK, Doja Cat, dan Raye telah menghasilkan lagu yang tidak hanya menghibur, tetapi juga menginspirasi.
Earlier this year, the heads of the Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences announced that for this year’s broadcast, ...