"People think that I was. I just stood on the floor, jumped up, and spread my legs, and they took the picture. I wasn't even ...
If you have ever wanted to own a Cheeto that looks like Michael Jordan, you now have that chance. A Cheeto shaped like the ...
Michael Jordan retired from the NBA for the first time. He traded in the basketball court for the baseball diamond. Nike ...
Air Jordan 12 Retro "Black and Varsity Red"的重磅发布,标志着这款经典鞋款在运动鞋史上的一个重要里程碑。首次发布于1997年的Air Jordan 12,曾是Michael Jordan的战靴,伴随他在职业生涯中创造了无数辉煌瞬间,也因此在全球的球迷心中占据了不可动摇的地位。
在篮球鞋收藏爱好者中备受瞩目的Air Jordan 12 Retro 「Flu Game」,即将在乌鲁木齐的滔搏店铺发售。这款鞋凭借Michael Jordan在1997年总决赛的传奇表现而闻名,成为了孤胆英雄精神的象征。鞋身设计以经典黑色为主,搭配鲜艳的红色细节,整体视觉效果简洁又时尚,完美还原了经典的元年元素。
It’s been less than a year since Jordan Brand debuted the Air Jordan 4 RM for the Air Jordan 4’s 35th anniversary. The first ...
During his career in the NBA, Jordan made an impact on the basketball court, as one of the best players in the league. He ...
These unreal “Purple Rain” editions have hit the market with a seller asking six figures for the sweet purple shoes. They ...