近期,网络安全公司SailPoint即将重返纳斯达克的消息引发市场关注。此举标志着其母公司Thoma ...
其中,SailPoint公司发行5750万股,募资13.225亿美元;现有股东、母公司Thoma Bravo套现250万股,套现5500万美元。 SailPoint的发行规模和发行价均有所提升。
这家总部位于德克萨斯州奥斯汀的科技公司及其母公司Thoma Bravo即将以每股23美元的价格出售大约6000万股股票,使得SailPoint在私有化两年多之后在 ...
网络安全公司SailPoint Technologies(简称:“SailPoint”,股票代码:“SAIL”)将于今日在美国纳斯达克上市。 SailPoint发行价为23美元,发行6000万股,募 ...
SailPoint于2025年2月12日向美国SEC披露招股书,预计将在2月13日登陆纳斯达克市场,股票代码为SAIL,承销商包括摩根士丹利、高盛、摩根大通、美银 ...
SailPoint was valued at $12.8 billion after its shares debuted in line with their offer price on Thursday, marking a tepid return to the stock market for the Thoma Bravo-backed identity security ...
Austin, Texas-based SailPoint and parent Thoma Bravo are offering 47.5 million and 2.5 million shares, respectively, priced between $19 and $21 each to raise a total of up to $1.05 billion.
SailPoint Inc. and a group of shareholders including its main backer, Thoma Bravo, raised $1.38 billion in an enlarged initial public offering for the enterprise security software company ...
SailPoint Inc. and its shareholders, including main backer Thoma Bravo, lifted their price range for the security software company’s initial public offering, seeking to raise as much as $1.15 ...