I should not have to fly all over the world to ensure that those working to free Itai hear the hostage families’ position ...
This move could serve as a broad basis for the voice of the diverse civil society in Mediterranean countries, and ...
So: to one major issue, not to the exclusion of the others.
“ October 8 ” feels like Director Wendy Sachs’ response to the blatant bias that’s been emanating out of Hollywood for far ...
From the blog of Shmuel Kadosh at The Times of Israel ...
As the world continues to change, Israel will undoubtedly remain a shining diamond in a sea of darkness—forever steadfast, ...
Avraham prayed for all his heirs; I want their children happy. “Zionism 2.0” rises from Beersheba to give that chance.
The conjecture that the Irish, like the other inhabitants of the British Isles are of Hebrew extraction has for many ...
Though he courts the hard right voters, Ponta is not aligned with Georgescu on one crucial issue. He does not share the ...
I decided to go to Begin for the weekly protest. The previous week, the families had called on the people of Israel to join ...
With the exception of Binyamin Netanyahu, perhaps Golda Meir and Yitzhak Rabin, Israel’s prime ministers, of all political ...
It was nearly a year and a half ago following the October 7 massacre, that Italy stepped up to the challenge and offered ...