You’ve had a long week. Come sit down. Ice those knees. Treat yourself to a custard cream. It’s time to crack out ol’ reliable. Sentient It’s wild to sit back and look through the PS1 library and ...
Being able to retroactively make a current game work on older systems is just yet another reminder that video game development is like a magic spell sometimes.
The SNES boasts its fair share of dungeon crawling RPGs, so trying to pick just one that holds up can be quite the task. Fortunately, Illusion of Gaia makes an incredible case for itself with its ...
You like old games? You like newer systems? Here are some modern games released for current systems that feel heavily inspired by the PS1 era.
The Game Boy Advance is one of the most beloved handhelds ever, and you guys certainly seemed to belove our last video on the handheld’s hidden gems. So we’re here to highlight some more ...
Plenty of licensed games are bad, but the worst sin any game can commit is to be boring. While the licensed games I’m about to talk about pretty much all have their flaws, some more glaring than ...
Superhero games have been around for a long time before the PS2, but it felt like Sony’s second console was when developers really started to play around with the powers and abilities of the ...
In an age where most video games tend to get ported or remastered at some point, there’s a dizzying array of PS2 games that still haven’t been released on modern platforms, even if they were ...