We took a closer look at the new Regulator SX, with comes equipped with a Bosch SX motor and generates 160/150 mm travel. How ...
Transition goes Bosch: Wir haben das Transition Regulator SX mit Bosch SX-Motor und 160/150 mm Federweg (v/h) unter die Lupe ...
Since Euro 2024, the BYD name should be familiar to most of us. The Chinese automotive colossus is rapidly charging towards ...
Fed up with dirty car seats? We tested the Scuvvers car seat cover to find out if they work! And if they keep your seats ...
With the Avinox drive system, DJI is taking a bold leap into the eMTB sector. In this article, we’ll take you behind the scenes at DJI, and reveal what has driven the Chinese tech-giant to make this ...
Das perfekte E-Auto für Biker: Welches Modell überzeugt mit Reichweite, Offroad-Tauglichkeit und Platz fürs Bike?
DJI wagt mit dem Avinox Drive System den Sprung ins E-MTB-Segment. Wir werfen einen Blick hinter die Kulissen und verraten ...
Wir haben keinen Bock mehr, unsere Autositze zu putzen – also haben wir die Scuvvers-Autositzauflage für euch getestet!
Jeden Tag verbringen Ingenieure, Produktmanager und -entwickler unzählige Stunden damit, E-MTBs noch besser zu machen. Sie ...
A full-suspension eMTB weighing 16.3 kg. Is that possible? With the new E-Caliber, 9.9 XTR 2021 and its FAZUA motor, Trek say YES! But does it make sense? We have had the exclusive test of the € ...