A Federal Grand Jury has issued another subpoena to the Village of Dolton requesting records of Mayor Tiffany Henyard and ...
We have been witnessing a lot of issues with wind farms for the past 2 years. We are now monitoring and watching to see what happens to a property when wind turbines are constructed nearby. This ...
During today’s Hearing on the liquor license dispute where Tiffany Henyard, as Mayor of Dolton, Illinois, refused to sign liquor licenses for a local business, and was ordered by the Court to sign ...
In another defeat for Tiffany Henyard, Village of Dolton Mayor Pro Tem Jason House, and Trustees Brittney Norwood, Kiana Belcher, and Tammy Brown, filed for Temporary Restraining Orders against Dolton ...
Pamela D. Strain, President, Superintendent, and an owner of Beacon Hill Preparatory Academy (also known as the Lighthouse Christian Academy) was charged yesterday with income tax fraud relating to ...
On Sep 9, 2019, former Edgar County Jailer (and felon) Jason Ball was charged with failing to report change of address (as sex offender) and felon in possession of a firearm. These are Class 2 and 3 ...
The Dolton Trustees who were served with a frivolous lawsuit by Dolton Mayor Tiffany Henyard and Dolton Trustees Stanley Brown and Andrew Holmes have filed a Motion for Rule 137 Sanctions against ...
In an Order dated Sep 1, 2020, the Circuit Court DENIED Wesley Township’s Motion to Dismiss the FOIA lawsuit. Wesley’s Motion was essentially arguing that since they finally produced all the records, ...
In December of 2022, the Mahomet Township Supervisor, Aaron Wheeler, and Township Clerk, David Parsons, filed a Complaint against seven township residents because ...
The best the voters can hope for is that when a candidate makes a statement, they can trust their words as being honest. As we all know, that is not exactly the case we see in today’s politics.
The Edgar County Board called a Special Meeting for Monday, January 27, 2020, to appoint two Edgar County Housing Authority Commissioners to vacancies created by recent resignations. Gene Thomey was ...
Edgar County Sheriff’s Deputy Toby Krabel resigned from the Sheriff’s department the day following his arrest in Vigo County Indiana for allegedly “Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated Endangering a ...