Pnina Pfeuffer (right) speaking at an Israel-Palestine: Creative Regional Initiatives (IPCRI) event titled 'Violence, Revenge and Redemption : A close look at Jewish radical violence', 27 February ...
Michael Harrington was America’s most eloquent voice for democratic socialism for decades. His great passion: to create a society that is both economically and politically democratic – a society freed ...
The recent Houthi attack on strategic targets in the UAE has once again raised the issue of Iranian proxies. While some have argued that this attack is another indication that Iran is using the ...
There is perhaps no aspect of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that is subject to greater distortion than the so-called Palestinian ‘right of return’. The term refers to the demand, erroneously stated ...
In Cape Town, protesters march against increased Israeli “security” measures at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem in 2017. Photo by Ashraf Hendricks, GroundUp.
Izabella Tabarovsky is a Senior Fellow with the Z3 Institute and a fellow with the London Centre for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and ISGAP. Follow her on X @IzaTabaro. Her Fathom essay ...
Lesley Klaff is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism. Holocaust inversion is, in the words of the late Manfred Gerstenfeld, ‘the portrayal of Israel, Israelis and Jews as modern ...
Olga Kirschbaum issues a stark warning: the thesis that Zionism is a source of evil is a deadly distraction for all people everywhere today. ‘We simply do not have time to lose with such a pointless ...
Stephen de Wijze is senior lecturer in political philosophy at the University of Manchester and the co-editor with Thomas Nys of The Routledge Handbook on the Philosophy of Evil. So much has been ...
Palestinian American community leader Rasmea Odeh marching at the JNF Chicago protest, October 2015. Photo by Cody O'Rourke, Facebook.
Photo by Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Creative Commons licence.
Kyle Orton reflects on his recent visit to a Syria still adjusting to life after the fall of Assad. There was something ...