Error: No content files found.由海外台湾人自发组成的“全球青鸟行动”6月4日于纽约时报广场租下巨幅广告牌播放视频,以展现捍卫台湾民主的决心。广告牌用英文展示“和台湾站在一起”和“民主灯塔”等字样,并引来大批行人驻足观看。主办方对美国之音表示 ...
Centrism is ‘the antidote to the extremism and sustained attacks on liberal democracy that are sweeping much of the democratic world.’ So writes Yair Zivan, the editor of this timely volume, setting ...
Aaron MacLean: How is Israel’s war against Hamas proceeding and how do battlefield and diplomatic developments there fit into the broader regional competition with Iran? The Israelis took out a senior ...
Liam Hoare launches a new Fathom series in which our writers re-read classic texts. Past Continuous, Yaakov Shabtai’s novel of three friends set in 1970s Tel Aviv, was first published in Hebrew in ...
Sam Faddis’s recent account of his time as a CIA operations officer in Iraq in the run-up to the 2003 Iraq War is a highly readable one replete with new details and lots of interesting tidbits about ...
Meredith Rothbart is co-founder and CEO of Amal-Tikva. Here, she argues for a new paradigm in Israeli-Palestinian peacebuilding, one in which the relationship between ...
A view of the settlement of Maale Adumim and the E1 area of Jerusalem, 2 November 2011. Mahmoud illean / Demotix/Demotix / Press Association Images.
Photo by Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Creative Commons licence.
Dave Rich of the Community Security Trust argues that while IS has the support of only small minorities amongst Muslim populations in the Middle East and Europe, it has a clear political genealogy ...
Longtime observer and chronicler of the religious community Yair Ettinger’s[1] bestselling 2020 book on the religious Zionist community has now been translated, allowing English speakers a deeper look ...
Our Voice of the Fortnight is the Decision Points podcast with David Makovsky - Hezbollah Decapitated? The War with Israel and Lebanon’s Future ...
Error: No content files found.De etappe naar de Puy de Dôme in de Tour de France was een eresaluut aan Raymond Poulidor, die er in 1964 letterlijk schouder aan schouder reed met zijn rivaal Jacques ...