Over the years. as a film critic, I’ve sometimes been asked to change my reviews so that my criticism wouldn’t prevent people from seeing the movie and being impacted by its message. This question cam ...
In the chaos, journalists have struggled to confirm statistics about fatalities, while waves of social media videos claim to ...
This week marks the five-year anniversary of the COVID-19 lockdown. Mostly, life has returned to normal. But in some ways we still seem to be struggling, our columnist notes.
During a typical week, readers (or podcast listeners) send me emails or messages through various social-media platforms. Often, these people are frustrated or even angry. Most folks are not upset with ...
In recent weeks, the plight of a group of Iranian asylum-seekers claiming to be converts to Christianity has been followed by The New York Times, helping to shine a light on a story not commonly ...
The Supreme Court announced Monday that it will hear the case of a Colorado counselor challenging the state’s ban on “conversion therapy.” Kaley Chiles is a licensed counselor and Christian who only ...
Last Wednesday, Mark Moore sent an urgent message to the factory that packages a life-saving peanut butter called MANA: “Stop putting USAID labels on the packages. We’ve lost our funding.” Five days ...
Russia seriously violates religious freedom in the land it illegally occupies in Ukraine, Forum 18 said in a new report. Torturing and killing pastors and priests, prosecuting residents for exercising ...
The U.S. Department of Justice informed Southern Baptist Convention lawyers on Wednesday that its investigation into the SBC and its entities was closed. No sexual abuse-related charges were filed.
(ANALYSIS) One of the most impactful cultural changes in 21st-century America has been the steady decline in Christian vitality, as measured by membership, baptisms versus funerals, worship attendance ...
Sixty years after John Lewis and hundreds of Civil Rights activists were beaten by the Alabama State Police, thousands returned to Selma and the Edmund Pettus Bridge to remember one of the bloodiest ...
The average Southern Baptist church calls the South home, but the only region of the country where those congregations are ...