We are an advisory body that ensures City government is aware of important animal issues. We meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month, except December. Meetings start at 5:30 PM. We meet in room 408 at ...
After being held remotely due to COVID-19, in-person meetings are resuming as of Friday 4/20/23. All meetings will be held in Room 305 of City Hall (1 Dr. Carlton B Goodlett Pl, San Francisco, CA ...
An equity-driven plan to prevent and end homelessness in San Francisco 2023-2028. Data and Reports See data from the Homelessness Response System, recent reports submitted to the Board of Supervisors, ...
Notices and announcements pertaining to the work of the Police Commission which include agenda notices of upcoming items, in accordance with the Charter’s 10-day notice requirement. Charter § 4.104(a) ...
Our Equal Benefits Program (formerly Chapter 12B of the Administrative Code) requires companies with City contracts to offer equal benefits for spouses and domestic partners.
Learn about how the City meets the needs of San Franciscans with limited English skills. Immigrant Services and Resources Support for immigrants, asylees, refugees and service providers connect to ...
The Juvenile Probation Department is engaged in intensive processes to advance racial equity. The enduring racial and ethnic disparities in the juvenile justice system provide stark evidence of the ...
A hearing where property owners can object to or explain progress towards addressing building code violations. If a property owner has not tried to fix a code violation with good faith effort, they ...
The subcommittee provides recommendations to the Local Homeless Coordinating Board related to the Coordinated Entry System. Funding subcommittee for the Continuum of Care (CoC) program competition ...
Disabled veterans of military service may be eligible for an exemption towards their property’s assessment. For more information, please follow link below to the website of the San Francisco Office of ...
Regular meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 1:30 pm. Special meetings are held in April and November at 6:30 pm on Treasure Island. Meetings are held at San Francisco City Hall, ...
City of Pride is a SFGovTV original series that highlights the San Francisco LGBTQi+ community, focused on amplifying their contributions to our city, including their work in advocating for more ...