Tesla pays $323 million dollars a year in taxes to China for it's Chinese factory. Tesla pays zero dollars in United States taxes for their operations in the Unit ...
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Donald Trump took aim at the “Fake News” and called journalists “sick degenerates” for reporting that his special envoy Steve Witkoff waited eight to nine ...
The upcoming agenda is removing positions from the Police Dept but have you seen the increase in positions to the salary agenda???? This very council voted to elimi ...
Avalon - "Elbows up"? I went to the trade war and a hockey game broke out Thank you for reading & participating. Spout Off is funded by advertising. Please disable or pause your ad blocker to continue ...
Hey, are all of you Trump climate-change deniers and anti-EVs going to buy Teslas now like your dear leader wants you to do to keep Musk the richest guy on earth? Ha!
West Wildwood - The Stock Market has lost 5 Trillion dollars over the last 3 weeks. Tired of winning yet? Thank you for reading & participating. Spout Off is funded by advertising. Please disable or ...
President Trump has done more work in 7 weeks for America than the last POTUS in name only did in 4 years. Just killed 2 top ISIS terrorist and has hit the Yemen Rebels ...
Why is anyone surprised that NJ's ruling government awarded the EZ-Pass contract to a communist Chinese controlled firm. They are all fellow travelers.
The stock exchange just experienced its worst week in the last two years. Donnie likes to take credit for everything, I’m waiting to hear him take credit for the ...
It almost feels like the country is being run by someone who bankrupt 4 casinos. Not my quote but I felt it was worth repeating.
Murphy needs to tax us more so when he leaves office he'll be able to enjoy the rest if his life in a sunny RED state with our money and his buddy Kenney!!