The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) has partnered with Japanese media company Asahi Shimbun to provide a 24/7 ...
このプロジェクトは 文部科学省 大規模学術フロンティア促進事業の支援を受けています。
This project is supported by "Project to Promote Large Scientific Frontiers" of MEXT.
すばる望遠鏡に、特殊な「複眼」が新たに装備されました。約 2400 個に及ぶ「目」を、広大なすばる望遠鏡の主焦点の視野に散りばめ、多数の天体からやって来た光を同時にプリズムで捉え、色に分けて観測します。これほどの探査性能を備えた8メートル ...
Invitation to Tender_Annual cleaning contract for the base facilities of the Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan ...
The observatory of the Subaru Telescope was officially established in April 1997, following the completion of its base facility building in Hilo, Hawaii. "Subaru Telescope" can refer to the telescope ...
The present Universe has a rich structure which contains galaxies, stars, planets, and a variety of other components where life is nurtured. How did this rich structure begin and evolve? And how will ...
See “CCD information” for the detail. The CCDs are arranged on the focal plane with two different gaps of approximately 12 arcsec and 53 arcsec between neighboring CCDs. We recommend that you should ...
自然科学研究機構国立天文台ハワイ観測所が運用する 口径 8.2 メートルの光学赤外線望遠鏡です。
The Subaru Telescope was designed for long-term versatility as a major tool in observational astronomy, which focuses on the use of instruments mounted on the telescope to observe celestial objects.
近赤外線用としては巨大な 400 万画素の検出器を2つもち、広い視野を撮像する能力をもったカメラです。また、口径が 8~10 メートル級の大望遠鏡では世界で初めて、近赤外波長域で一度に多数の天体の分光観測を可能にした装置です。これらの機能により ...
Suprime-Cam is an 80 megapixel, optical camera mounted at the Subaru Telescope's prime focus. Among large telescopes (6-10 m), it has the extaordinary capability not only of efficiently imaging a wide ...