马德里卡洛斯三世大学 (UC3M) 、厄瓜多尔理工学院以及位于巴塞罗那和马德里的 ASEPEYO 医院联合开发了一款体育电子游戏(或运动游戏)系统,以提升行动不便人士的手部和腕部康复效果。该系统可为康复治疗师提供数据,便于分析患者在康复阶段的进展。
Forschungsteam der Universität Tübingen verkürzt die Suche nach Angreifern, die multire-sistente Krankheitserreger vernichten ...
Les chercheurs de l'Empa du laboratoire « nanotech@surfaces » ont reproduit expérimentalement un autre modèle théorique ...
The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development has officially endorsed the COST Innovators Grant ...
Empa-Forschende des «nanotech@surfaces»-Labors haben ein weiteres fundamentales theoretisches Modell aus der Quantenphysik ...
Empa researchers from the nanotech@surfaces laboratory have experimentally recreated another fundamental theoretical model ...
This study summarizes the current research status of the impacts of crop domestication and improvement on root ...
Researchers at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, have studied the impact of two brain areas on the nature of memory content.
A new study reveals that Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection exacerbates ulcerative colitis (UC) by driving macrophage ...
In recognition of their discovery of one of our immune system’s foundations, physician Andrea Ablasser, virologist Glen Barber and biochemist Zhijian ...